Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hello, my name is elizabeth and i am (was) an alcoholic...

ok, i'm not really an alcoholic, i guess the fact that i can openly attest to my heavy drinking and that i can go days, weeks, even multiple weeks (months? don't get crazy now) without drinking can vouch for that. i recently decided, against every fiber of my being (ok not that violently), and for many reasons, some good, some better, that i would quit drinking for an entire year. yep, 365 days... fingers crossed.

this blog will be an account of the next year of my life, give or take a few days, and the effect sobriety will have on my life. be warned, friends, family, even strangers, i have promised myself (and the big guy in the sky) that i will not consume a drop of alcohol until December 31, 2011, and that will make for some very interesting times.

i can already say that good things have happened since i've ceased partaking in my favorite libations... the obvious ones: waking up in the morning is so much easier, i'm in a better mood on sundays, hangover free and all, my jeans fit better (yay!) and i haven't woken up to any bruises i couldn't quite account for... i have to admit, it will definitely be nice to wake up not having to wonder where the big purple blotch on my left thigh came from.

already i'm learning to appreciate things sober people take for granted, just this past saturday i managed to make a graceful exit from a fancy restaurant slip, trip or fall free. it turns out that i'm less likely to fall on my way out if i have four glasses of water instead of four glasses of wine... i have to say, not only was that fulfilling, less painful and, well, nice, it was 100times less embarrassing than my usual exits.

let the journey begin!

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