Sunday, January 9, 2011

#2: driving home unwary of police

this weekend was a shining example of "you don't need to drink to have fun." i had a great night out with some good people to celebrate canada's birthday. proudly drove home fear-free, cuz no DUI for me! i even looked over, smiled and did the quick shake-wave at a cop on one of my night-time drives home this weekend. pat on the back for me. and when i got home was sober enough to remember that i want to record "the orphan" on tuesday and set my DVR (whoa, that's right, i remembered something at the end of the night) and woke up wide-eyed and bushy tailed and ready for an afternoon bike-ride with a great friend to finish off a wonderful weekend.

by this point i was kind of hoping that i'd have some really good stories of other people's drunken stupidity but it seems as though i'm the only drunken idiot in my many circles... and if i'm not i haven't made it around to the group where my drunken-idiot friends take refuge. next weekend a new group, let's hope i have some fun stories to share that involve other people's embarrassment, after all, where's the fun in being the sober-sister if you can't tell anybody about the time your friend locked herself in a bathroom stall and passed out (fingers crossed that my bff does this again sometime soon and that i'm 100% sober in this version).

the bike-ride
"can i take liz to brewco?" ah... the eternal question, can i bring liz around beer, wine and alcohol? it amazes me that all of a sudden people are wary of where to go with me. people, i have will power, feel free to have a beer or two (or seven) around me... believe me, i will not be tempted. well... i may be tempted (and by may i mean i will be) but i can say no. if there's one negative trait of mine that will finally work in my favor it's that i' stubborn and stubborn gets me through the outings. so next time someone says to you, "you can't take liz to brewco" say what my friend said, "why not? she's not a recovering crack addict and i'm not taking her to a crack-house, she's just not drinking."

but to be completely honest, i love the awkward look on people's faces when they say things to me like, "the cheese-cake factory has a great mojito!" it's ok, you can still talk about alcohol to me, i won't salivate uncontrollably or start convulsing and drop to the ground yearning for a sip.

what i don't love? that i've replaced drinking with another terrible terrible thing: the cookie monster, mmmmmm.

oh and about the bike ride? it was great and thank goodness i did it sober. swerving to the left and right could have been fatal in the manhattan/hermosa/redondo beach strand traffic. (now if only my math skills hadn't failed me; i had to turn the check over to my mimosa-chugging friend because my mind blanked on my portion of the bill.)

my new favorite drink(s):

so, who had me drinking at two weeks? you lose.


  1. I'm glad you didn't forget to schedule the orphan, because I forgot to remind you.

  2. see i AM supportive =)
    but i did only chug 1 mimosa (in a flute glass ) because i had yeah ok

    and be aware whenever you come to HB, i will not assume you cannot be around alchohol but will pretend you are ...One of Us.

  3. i want you to know that someday, somewhere, somehow i will again lock myself in a bathroom stall and pass out. it's inevitable.
